Friday, April 25, 2008

Adventures in Kelet-Európa

The past period was rather busy. I spent some days at my mum first, in Mollynál Komárom. With him, and mainly with my half brother, Beevel I played much, I was running around, and my head was not bitten off after all although I was an intruder, indeed they proved to be a most kind host. From Komárom (with short Sopron one deviating where he is Cromi brother we gathered it up) we visited distant Bosnia. The road was long, but was worth the effort, since both of them (Cromi and I) we got our first championship title, that is B-H heroes (*championjai) our Latvian. The rest of the result gained the exhibitions you find it in a heading. We went back into Komárom, I arrived onto Budapest onto my man family's big joy following day then. They missed me visible, but (although myself felt it very well at Blanka) I have to admit it, I missed them. Our common joy some brassói we topped it with a change roast (I was not asking sour one).
Myself had a rest from it scarcely newer travel came next, we went into Serbia this time, Kragujevacba. This first CACIB competition was my life, and may congratulate, because I managed to get the title. This is a quite exhausting activity because of that as soon as the enclosed photo shows it!
We prepare for Miskolc on a weekend, many people come from the family, we will sleep in a guesthouse, onto a good little party given on all of them with a word. (Of course, this will be a serious thing, 2 CACIB, but in a gang it much more entertaining!)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Now sincere: *diszplázia filtration and what there is behind it

May be, that you will be surprised, but today from serious things will be a word. I was Diszplázia on filtration, that not really pleasant, (they have it slept through and the dog is X-rayed) but in the interest of the good aim important. Some acquaintances of my weed woman uncomprehended: this only money-making for the doctors, the mix dog the good, it always healthy, the exhibition dogs increase the deterioration of the kind and the interbreeding simply. Back, I am only a dog, but I reckon that two are beautiful, valuable, the tickets of the kind acknowledged carrier and traditional Hungarian cloak! from the love of a dog healthier and in this manner with a longer life, happier dogs will be born, than the multiplying got out of his kennels dogs. That who the multiplying? Like that, people considering themselves a breeder, for who he is the quantity simply, and not the quality his aim. The real breeder is at work using the experiences of long years on the improvement by breeding of the kind, all the appearance, all the behaviour, all on the area of the health. Make a choice with a word if you would like a puppy from the hospice, or from an acknowledged breeder who is personal after an encounter convinces from that direction, how likes it, knows it and understands the given kind! If from the above topic you would like to read more, you may do it here!: Cheap dogs

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I prepared for Kalocsa at a dog beautician

I give rise to it early. I lay on one being late. I became more beautiful though meanwhile. Are eight and a half through a clock. This pleasure is given to few women. Through eight and a half clocks only I ápoltak-fésültek-szépítettek-simogattak here (fishy). I say it sincere, because of this yet onto the competition was worth it to go away. Kalocsa is far of course, and the much driving, jolt, nobody may be surprised at it after waiting, that as soon as we arrived I had to run around in the muddy-dusty landscape urgent. This did not make good one of course for my perfect toilet, but my mood was much better. The adult gazdik they were not able to be glad about my joy somehow: feature. But my hosts not only vex, they have an answer onto me chortling. It is called in that manner: brush. They set about it, *nohiszen.
I may have gone already in front of the critic by the time they were satisfied with the external glamour again after the mischief. I was alone in my age group, not miracle, that I was me the most beautiful. It it understands you have to know about the fact that CAC is not the judgement of a prize yet then unambiguous, if the man has a dog alone, but I got to it because of that. (Yeah.) Not everybody so lucky, my cracked half brother for example K2-t got (What is that???), because he was misbehaving in the caddy.
The it was best in the whole one that a huge gang gathered! Mother, brother (he got CAC-*ot(t)), half brothers, gazdik, their children, their friends and dogs, dogs, dogs. Kalocsa is a pleasant small town with dogs.